Pizza Eggs

Pizza EggsYou would think that since we raise chickens for eggs that I like eggs.  I don’t.  Not really.  I eat them because they are fast and easy in the morning.  But do I love them? No.  I have however come up with a way to eat and enjoy eggs.  Actually, I really enjoy this.  I have made it 3 times in the last week.  My six year old loves it too.  It makes me happy to hear her ask for this and to see her eat a high protein, grain free breakfast before going to school.  I make this dairy free for me by using Daiya dairy free cheese substitute.  Everyone loves pizza.  This version is a gigantic step up from the high carb, wheat filled one I grew up with (and loved).  I watched an episode of Jamie Oliver’s Food Revolution.  In it he showed that kids are served pizza for breakfast in schools.  This kind of pizza for breakfast would be a much better alternative, don’t you think?  This is quick and filling as well as low carb, high protein,  grain and gluten free and can be made dairy free.  Hey mom look it is another breakfast without toast!

Pizza Eggs

1 tsp expeller pressed coconut oil

3 eggs lightly beaten

salt and pepper to taste

1 can of tomato paste (6oz)

3 T olive oil

1/2 tsp basil

1/2 tsp dried oregano

toppings of your choice (I like sautéed mushrooms, sliced green olives, pepperoni and caramelized onions but realistically the onions take too long)

cheese or Daiya cheese substitute

Start with your sauce since once the eggs get started you are almost done.  Mix together tomato paste, salt and pepper, olive oil and dried herbs.  Add as much water as you like to get it to the consistency you like your sauce.  I like mine quite thick.  You will need a 8 inch nonstick pan if your trusty cast iron pan is like mine.  I can’t trust that it could do an omelette.  Heat oil over medium heat.  Lightly beat eggs together with salt and pepper.  Pour eggs into pan and cover.  Keep a close eye on it and as soon as the eggs are 75% set flip the juicy eggs out onto a flat plate.  Then slide the eggs back into the pan cooked side up.** Once the eggs are flipped turn the heat off but keep the pan on the heat source.  Top with a generous amount of sauce, toppings and cheese.  Replace lid and let sit for a few minutes while the cheese melts.  For your toppings keep in mind that they are not going to be cooked just lightly warmed.  Slide pizza out onto plate, slice and serve. 

** This is the tricky part for me – trying to not brown the eggs.  I don’t like browned eggs.

This recipe has been entered in The Healthy Home Economists Monday Mania for 2/7/11.

8 thoughts on “Pizza Eggs

  1. Pingback: 41 Mouth-Watering Paleo Pizza Recipes (+Primal Pizza Recipes included)

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